Friday, December 17, 2021


 Αυτός που περνάει μεγάλο μέρος από τη ζωή του στα μπαρ.

- Ο Μήτσος βρωμάει ουίσκυ ή μου φαίνεται; Αλκοολικός είναι;
- Μπα! Μπαρόβιος είναι!

Same interview with Nikolopoulos



 listening to an interview with Christos Nikolopoulos, he said he always had pets, even when he was younger and living in an apartment. Now that he's one of the most successful composers in modern Greek history, he can afford a sunny (ευήλιο) house with a yard, and his dogs are happier than ever. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2021


Anna used this to denote a paying passenger on a public conveyance and acknowledged that it's UK usage. 


I learned this word from Anna on a walk. It was Tuesday, 14th December, 2021.

While Anna used it as a verb, only the noun is defined: "a warm welcome or greeting often prompted by ulterior reasons."